Sebis photo blog

Sebis photo blog


Archiv April, 2009

Getting a job…

( Travel )

Did I say, I needed a job? Well… I saw (no, actually Barbara saw it… :) ) an interesting job description at the website of one of those job recruitment agencies and sent them my CV/resume on sunday night. They called me up Monday morning, inviting me over for the afternoon. We talked for about […]

Living in Wellington

I guess it’s time to admit it: I’ve been living in Wellington since January now and I’m gonna stay here. :-) I found myself a nice room where I’m flatting with two other people in the middle of the city (1 minute to Cuba Street). Now I just need to get a job…

Tuesday Night Skating in Frankfurt

( Travel )

Hello to all skaters in and around Frankfurt! I’ve been following the discussions for the first Tuesday Night Skating in Frankfurt very wistfully… I hope you’re having a great summer rolling through Frankfurt every Tuesday night and without any rain! Take a look at the HR report about the first TNS of 2009 (in german).