Sebis photo blog

Sebis photo blog

Walking on an active volcano

Friday 21 November 2008

Wednesday we organized a tour with some other CouchSurfers to Whakatane (Bay of Plenty) and booked a trip to Whakaari (White Island), which is New Zealands most active volcano.
The island is located about 50km off shore of Whakatane in the Bay of Plenty. The boat ride takes about 1.5 to 2 hours to get there and there’s a pretty good chance to see whales on your way.

Its really an experience to walk around the island knowing there is a chance it could blow anytime (okay, the thermal activity is monitored constantly by scientists, so if anything would happend, they wouldn’t let people go there). The crater lake is pure acid. Our guide claimed it had a pH of -1 (don’t know if there actually is such a thing as “minus pHs”?). Since the Island is mostly made of lava, its internal structure is like a sponge: it’s hollow. Throwing a big heavy stone on the ground, you could actually hear the echo throughout the island. Blowing steam could be seen almost everywhere.


    November 22, 2008 | 17:52

    Das reiche Vorkommen von Schwefel (s.die intensive Gelbfärbung auf den Fotos!) führte nach 1885.immer wieder zu Versuchen, Düngemittel herzustellen. Nach oft jahrelangen Unterbrechungen durch die unberechenbare Vulkantätigkeit wurden diese Vorhaben in den 1950er Jahren schließlich ganz eingestellt. (s. die Getriebeteile eines früheren Mahlwerkes.)

    November 22, 2008 | 22:34

    “Derzeit liegt der niedrigste natürlich je gemessene pH-Wert bei -3,6 in einem Gemisch von Eisensulfat und Schwefelsäure in einem Pyritbergwerk in Kalifornien.(Wikipedia)

    November 23, 2008 | 17:17

    Hallo Sebi,
    wer ist denn die nette Dame neben Dir mit Bauhelm ?
    Und Glückwunsch zum neuen Auto. Ganz zeitgemäß ein SUV.

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